Weekly Game Highlights

This section will include weekly highlights submitted from respective teams’ captains or designee. Please email all highlights each week to Eddie Frisch at eif3610@aol.com.

The Road to the Championship for the Outkasts


The OUTKASTS finished the season with a losing record. Their team and the POINTERS had to participate in a play-in-game to qualify for the playoffs. Midway through the game the POINTERS were winning 4-1. The OUTKASTS tied the game and went on to win and eliminated the POINTERS. The OUTKASTS now had to face the first place COCO NUTZ who had defeated them at least 4 straight times during the season. The OUTKASTS played an excellent game and defeated them and didn’t allow this high-scoring team a single run. Next up we’re the second place BALL BLASTERS who also had defeated them at least 4 straight times during the season. The OUTKASTS played a solid game and capitalized on fielding errors by their opponents and defeated them. The OUTKASTS moved on the the CHAMPIONSHIP round and awaited their opponents. The BALL BLASTERS defeated the LEGENDS and qualified for the CHAMPIONSHIP round. The BALL BLASTERS we’re winning 5-1 and the OUTKASTS cut the deficit to 5-4. The score went to 6-4 and again the OUTKASTS rallied and took the lead 7-6. The BALL BLASTERS then rallied to tie the score 7-7. Neither team scored in the ninth which sent the game into overtime. In overtime you start your at bay with a player on second base and the.batter only gets one pitch to hit at. The OUTKASTS were up first and with one out they got 3 straight doubles and scored 3 runs when the BALL BLASTERS got their turn, they made 3 straight outs and the OUTKASTS won 10-7. They were now the CHAMPIONS 

2023/2024 Season Championship

The 2023/24 season ended with the March 29, 2024 Championship game between the OutKasts and the Ball Blasters.
The exciting game was filled with great plays, fielding and batting from both sides, with the Outkasts prevailing in extra innings, 10-7.
Here are the proud players with their championship trophy.

Coconutz Barry Schuler hoisting his “80 year old inductee” plaque at March 15 playoff game. Congratulations Barry!


All Star Lineup


March 09 Highlights

The Legends were subdued by BB by a score of 7-1. Same story. A smattering of hits (9) and a litany of extra base hits by error, which of course score runs. There were some bright spots. Marc handled shortstop like a boss, and Gary did the same at shallow middle. There are no stats here because I need to see if playoff hits etc. are added or done separately. There will be another playoff game next Friday 3/15. I don’t know what time yet. We should have a full team. 


February 22 Highlights

1. Outkasts win 6-1

2. BB wins 5-0
I’ll dispense with the histrionics this week and just say that we gave it our best shot both times. We were missing some key players in the lineup and in the field but the positions were filled rather well. Just when I thought I had the catch of the day Bobby snatched it away with an eye popping one handed grab of a line drive. Once again though, we just couldn’t get the hits we needed. It was not for a lack of trying. We were hitting the ball well but the opponent’s defense was pretty solid. There will not be any makeup games so now it’s on to the playoffs. I’m including last season’s final stats so you can each see how you did comparatively. I’ll find out the playing times tomorrow so stay tuned.

February 16 Highlights


The Coconuts overwhelmed the Legends today 8-0. 

Fielding wasn’t great but it didn’t matter. The reason was a complete collapse in the hitting department.
I can’t offer an explanation other than it just wasn’t our day. Quite depressing but we’ll just have to move on to the last 2 games on Friday.
There may then be some make up games. We’ll see.  First game is at 9:30.

February 11 Highlights

Game 1

The thought of having to write this review had me wishing for some Prozac. The Ball Blasters prevailed over the Legends 4-0. There’s nothing new about losing a game but being shutout is nothing short of humiliating. We started out with some errors that cost us 2 runs. After that the defense settled down some but a couple innings later our rivals scored 2 more runs. Meanwhile, the Legends, who batted a pathetic .250 teamwise, 9/36, were unable to capitalize on any of those hits. They were all left stranded on base. However, even when we get knocked down, we do not take a 10 count. We dusted ourselves off and proceeded to Game 2.
Game 2
The Pointers succumbed to the Legends by a score of 3-2. While the hitting was not much better than Game 1, the difference was that several proved to be strategic, another way of saying clutch hits. It all started with a hit by Marty, who lately has been tormented by easily caught ground outs. This allowed Howie, our newest bomb threat, to propel one over the fence for a 2 run homer. This vital scoring kept the game tied at 2-2 until the bottom of the ninth.
At that point the last 4 batters in the order were due up. Needless to say we were all thinking extra innings. After one out Larry stepped up to the plate. This guy has been tortured by the opposing team’s outfielders, but this time he was not to be denied as he sent one sailing into the triple zone uncaught.
This left us needing any hit at all to win. After the second out was made, the next batter was Bruce B, playing in his first game after a lengthy absence. Hitless for the day, he hit 2 fouls. Down to the final pitch and swing he connected for a triple that gave us the victory and a smile on all of our faces!!
I did hear from Ray. Whatever he had done left him very sore but he hopes to be back in the line up next week. And we hope so too.
Next game is at 11am vs. the Coconuts.

February 02 Highlights

Team: Legends

The Legends defeated the Outkasts 9-4 on a perfect stickball day. After an inauspicious beginning our spirits were perked up when Richie delivered a solo home run.Next up, with Ray on base, Eddie launched one into the parking lot for 2 rbi’s. In the 7th this duo did the same thing again and kicked off a hitting streak that resulted in 6 runs when Marc, apparently dissatisfied with 4 runs, decided to smack a 2 run triple that automatically ended the inning. John,Gary,Mike and Howie were responsible for the other runs. The fielding today was exemplary with just a few errors that didn’t amount to much. We batted a modest but well executed .361
Next Thursday be sure to get a good night’s sleep because on Friday 2/9 we play a double header. Eat some Wheaties before the first game which will be at 9:30.

January 26 Highlights

Team: Legends

I can sum up yesterday’s drubbing in 3 words. Too many errors! Considering that I usually exalt our fielding prowess, leaving the playing field was pretty much the walk of shame.We batted a respectable .444 but left a lot of runners stranded. So we had a bad day but we’ll have to bounce back next time. That will be Friday Feb.2nd at 9:30. Lastly, a high 5 to Howie, our new teammate, who had a pretty good debut.

Team: Coconutz
Another great game with hitting throughout the lineup as well as solid defensive plays in a 10-1 win over the Pointers who hit the ball hard but could not find an empty spot in our defense. Another great team effort, first place 9-3-0.

Team: VR Ballblasters
The VR Ballblasters again came from behind to defeat the Outkasts 5-2.  The Blasters were led by Tom Rosati who went 4-4 with 3 extra base hits.  Gary Wagner and Ken Cohen chipped in with 2 hits apiece.

January 5 Highlights

Team: Valencia Reservists

The Valencia Reservists bounced back from a first inning 4 run deficit to edge the Pointers 7-6.  The VR boys were led by Tom Rosati’s  2 run homer, Ed Siler’s 3 hits, and Bruce Rubin’s 2 triples, 2 runs scored, and an RBI.

December 22 Highlights

Team: Legends

Well what a day Friday turned out to be! On my first day as a commissioned officer I didn’t get a parade. But instead, the Legends came out guns blazing, channeling Taylor Swift by pounding out an incredible 25 hits, including 6 home runs by our very own power couple (YKW), all of which culminated in a 14 to 5 ass kicking of our worthy opponents. Our game batting average was an awesome .510, and while the fielding was commendable it was all pretty routine with no memorable moments. But I think we had enough of those at the plate.

There is no game next Friday, why I don’t know, but we will have our usual Thursday pickup game.

Our next league game will be on January 5that 12:30 vs.the Outkasts.

Finally I want to wish my teammates a Merry Christmas. You earned whatever you asked Santa to bring you!

December 08 Highlights

Team: Coconutz

The Coco Nutz took a double header by beating the Legends and The Points. The bats of the Coco Nutz came alive. From the top to the bottom of the lineup were able to generate hits. The Coco Nutz played strong defense lead by Mike Napoli who had 2 outstanding defense games.

Team: Reservists
The Valencia Reservists out lasted the Outkasts on Friday by a 4-1 score.  Ken Cohen and Lew Towsky had back to back 2 run doubles in the 3rd inning to account for all their runs.  Marty Mehler made several outstanding catches in the outfield to preserve the victory.

Team: Legends

The Legends lost today 4-3 in what seemed like a repeat of game 6. A paucity of hits (team .205)  combined with run scoring errors had us behind by 3 until the 8th inning, when we launched a valiant but insufficient rally. With an 0-3 9th we lost by one run. We’ll just have to look forward to next week’s game when we meet the Ball Blasters at 11am. Hopefully Eddie will be back, the malaise will dissipate, and the slugging and fielding will lead us to triumph over all adversaries as we endure the eternal struggle of ball vs. man.  Only then can Captain Blasko proclaim: Veni,Vidi,Vici !! 

December 01 Highlights

Team: Coconutz

The Coconutz outlasted the Legends 6-5 in 10 innings today, with a dramatic game winning double by Earl.

Going into the top of the ninth, the Coocnuts were leading 5-1, behind excellent defensive fielding by the infield and outfield, and lots of singles and doubles to drive in 5 runs.

True to their “legend” , the Legend team came back in the top of the ninth to score 4 runs to push the game into the bottom of the ninth.

The Coconuts came close to scoring, but did not, so, extra innings.

Coconuts held the Legend to no scoring in the top of the 10th, and in the bottom of the 10th, Earl came to bat with runners on and 2 out, and delivered the fatal blow, a hard smash double to clinch the game and keep the Coconuts in contention in the standings. Earl’s bat has done the talking lately, was exciting to see this finish.

A great competition and a lot of spirit by all players.

Team: Legends

The Legends suffered their first defeat today. We did manage to have a great come from behind rally in the 9th inning which began with a clutch hit by Bruce, a succession of doubles,and then finished with a triple by Richie. This tied up the score. In the extra innings the home team Coconutz were able to score the winning run. Even though the hitting was lackluster by Legends standards (.270) we lost this game in the field with several costly avoidable errors that gave our opponents runs that should have been outs. I guess we just had an off day and the fielding will revert back next time to the usual stellar, impeccable, flawless performance that I’ve had the pleasure of glorifying many,many times. We better, because we’ll be facing the same team next Friday at 9:30. See you then.

November 17 Highlights

Team: Legends

We prevailed over both opponents on Friday by holding them to one run each and scoring enough runs to seal the deal. As usual John was kept busy at shortstop but most of the plays were pretty routine and easy to handle.Richie did an exceptional job in the middle. Everyone else kept up an impenetrable defense when they had the opportunity. I wish I was running out of adjectives to describe the dazzling catches that were made by us but the fact is we weren’t presented with anything that required that kind of effort. I think the lefties must be afraid of me because nothing seems to come my way. If I got paid per catch attempt I’d be on welfare. Anyway we are now unbeaten at 5-0! 


Team: Coconutz

Recovering from last week lost, the CoCo Nutz playing a “shorthanded” Pointers team, won with little resistance. The team hit the ball fairly well. However, the outfield played strong defense. 

The Coco Nutz wishes everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving.

November 10 Highlights

Team: Legends


The Legends outpointed the Pointers by a score of 10 -2 in a game with some notable events.
First of all, we did it without any home runs. Second, there are no longer any hitless batters. Bruce, Marc, and Lou all connected and should continue to do so. One more thing: Ray now sits at the top of the batting average column!

Defensively we were our usual reliable selves. A handful of errors, none of which caused any significant damage. Catch of the Day? That goes to Marc at 3rd base, up on his toes and arm extended to squash a single with a one handed grab.

As a team we were 20/43 which is a .465 avg. for this game.

Next week we take on the Outkasts at 9:30 and the Pointers at 11:00. Note to Eddie: Have a safe flight and a great time at the wedding. We’ll miss you but we’ll win anyway. See you Dec.1st.

We need everyone else to show up on Friday. Those who don’t will be verbally eviscerated in this email next week!!!


Team: Ball Blasters

Ballblasters beat CocoNutz  10-0 behind the timely hitting, fielding , AND pitching of Alan Schreiber.  Alan had 3 extra base hits.  Other stars were Tom Rosati with 3 hits and Larry Jacobsen with 2.

In the 2nd game of the doubleheader, the Blasters again triumphed over the Outkasts 10-5.

Rosati again starred with 2 triples and a homer.  Gary Wagner, Ken Cohen, and Bruce Heines contributed 3 hits each.

November 03 Highlights

Team: Legends

The Game
The Legends prevailed by a score of 9-2 and are now 2-0. While our opponents did make some exciting plays in the field they just couldn’t overcome the fact that we were doing all the blasting. Our defense was stellar as usual with only a couple of errors which were promptly rendered as nugatory. While John was busy at shortstop, my position was more like being the Maytag Repairman.

A couple of highlights:
Eddie’s home run was so high in the air it was reported as a UFO. Meanwhile, in a stickball first, Ray hit a home run on a pitch that was so low he’s also been credited with a hole in one!

October 27 Highlights

Team: Legends

Coconuts vs. Legends  ( W  7-6 )

First of all some high fives for Marty for the fancy new uniforms courtesy of Allstate. Game 1 began with some confusion in the outfield (the Pete effect?) which allowed our opponents to open up a 5-0 lead. However ,in true Legends fashion, our bats did the talking quickly and the game was tied at 5-5. The defense also settled down and fly balls were pretty much DOA  for the rest of the game as each team only scored one more run and sent the game into extra innings. And then,with one pitch to deal with, Gary stepped up to the plate and blasted a line drive double to wrap up the win and become the Hero of the Day! But who was the Standout Player of the Day? IMHO that has to be Richie Pace, who finally stopped doing his Linda Blair impression and went 3 for 3 on the day, which included a 3 run rocket over the fence. His usual impeccable defense was also a factor. So we are off to a good start. Our next 2 games are at 12:30.

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